
The Digitalization of the Ricci Institute's Archives

Currently two phases of our digitalization scheme have already been implemented. The first phase was the Digitalization of the Catholic Evangelism Archives of the Society of Jesus in Taiwan, 1950-2000 Project, which involves digitizing the documents in the Ricci Institute Archives as its primary goal, these were divided into five main categories: research into Taiwan, language research, the history of Catholic evangelism, religious and philosophy and spiritualism and Chinese culture. These documents have considerable research value in terms of the history of evangelism in Taiwan, Sino-French cultural exchange, the comparison of Eastern and Western philosophies, linguistics and Taiwan research. 

The second phase of the project began in 2011, in which the Ricci Institute and Fu Jen Catholic University's Research Centre for the Aboriginal Theology of Taiwan, are working in cooperation to digitize aboriginal language liturgy, this project is expected to be completed by the end of 2012. Taiwan aboriginal tribe language Mass to be digitized by this is expected to be 2012 completed by the end. The two plans above have received partial funding from the National Science Council.

In accordance with the National Science Council's recommendations for the process of digitization, each document should have a clear description, and the e-book on the site should mimic the style of a physical book page to provide a user-friendly digital reading environment. Our Digital Archives website is as follows: http://www.riccibase.com/archive/ (the search function has still not been added to the database, but it can be browsed).

目前我們的數位典藏計畫已經進行兩期。第一期計畫為「天主教耶穌會在台灣1950-2000傳教文獻數位典藏計畫」(Project of Catholic Evangelization Archives Digitalization of Society of Jesus in Taiwan, 1950-2000),以利氏學社之典藏文獻為主,依其主題可分成五大類:台灣研究、語言研究、天主教傳教史、宗教哲學與靈修,以及中國文化。這些文獻對於台灣傳教史、中法文化交流、東西哲學比較、語言學與台灣研究等課題,都具有相當的典藏與研究價值。 

第二期計畫始自2011年,利氏學社與輔仁大學原住民神學研究中心(Research Center for Taiwan Aboriginal Theology)合作,將台灣原住民部落的族語彌撒經本予以數位化,預計將於2012年底完成。上述二計畫皆獲得行政院國家科學委員會(National Science Council)提供部份經費補助。


Digitalization of the Catholic Evangelism Archives of the Society of Jesus in Taiwan, 1950-2000 Project, which involves digitizing the documents in the Ricci Institute Archives as its primary goal.
「天主教耶穌會在台灣1950-2000傳教文獻數位典藏計畫」(Project of Catholic Evangelization Archives Digitalization of Society of Jesus in Taiwan, 1950-2000),其典藏對象以利氏學社文獻為主。








In the late 1960s, many missionaries and members of the congregations of the various churches worked together to translate the Bible and the liturgy into Aboriginal languages. The Ricci Institute has undertaken to digitize these efforts.
