
Contract signed between TRI and Taiwan National library

tri002On January 30th 2010, The Taipei Ricci Institute and Taiwan National Library signed a contract formalizing the transfer of the library of TRI to the premises of TNL on the basis of a permanent loan. The newly created "Matteo Ricci - Pacific Studies reading room" will showcase the Jesuit academic contribution to Taiwan while fostering Pacific and Austronesian studies.

台北利氏學社與國家圖書館於2010年1月30日簽訂合作協議書,由耶穌會中華省會長詹德隆神父與顧敏館長共同簽署。雙方協議將利氏圖書館三萬冊藏書永久寄存(Permanent Loan)於國圖,雙方共同成立「利瑪竇太平洋研究室」(將於4月17日開幕)並共同合作推動太平洋研究、擴充館藏、進行史料數位化等工作。簽約儀式簡單而隆重,揭示了雙方合作的里程碑。詹神父並於致詞中表示,天主教倫理學很重視「公益」(Common Good),此次透過雙方的合作,讓利氏學社累積了數十年的珍貴圖書,可以更便利地為大眾運用。



TRI is shifting its focus

    NTL01   The Taipei Ricci Institute has signed an agreement with Taiwan National Library creating a "Matteo Ricci - Pacific Studies Reading Room" within the premises of the library. At the same time, with the support of the library. of the Council for Aboriginal Affairs and of individual scholars, the TRI is working towards the creation of a "Taiwan Society for Pacific Studies" that will become its main research outlet and focus.

New research into language evolution suggests most Pacific populations originated in Taiwan around 5,200 years ago. The Austronesians arose in Taiwan around 5,200 years ago. Before entering the Philippines, they paused for around a thousand years, and then spread rapidly across the 7,000km from the Philippines to Polynesia in less than one thousand years. After settling Fiji, Samoa and Tonga, the Austronesians paused again for another thousand years, before finally spreading further into Polynesia eventually reaching as far as New Zealand, Hawaii and Easter Island. This cultural and linguistic history opens up compelling perspectives on the globalization process and on the challenges that humankind confronts nowadays.

承繼過往的基礎,台北利氏學社正在開拓新的研究與發展方向。學社已與國家圖書館簽訂合作協議,共同成立「利瑪竇太平洋研究室」。同時,在原住民族委員會以及台灣大學人類學系、語言學研究所、中研院史語所、民族所等機構多位教授的支持下,利氏學社亦正籌備成立「台灣太平洋研究學會」(Taiwan Society for Pacific Studies),致力於推動跨領域的太平洋研究。

