Jean Lefeuvre / 雷煥章

FR. JEAN LEFEUVRE has left us

jean_lefeuvre_1999Fr Jean Lefeuvre went peacefully to the Lord on the evening of Sep. 24, 2010 at the Cardinal Tien Hospital, Taipei.


Fr. Lefeuvre was born in France, on July 5, 1922. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1940, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1952 at St. Ignatius Church, Shanghai by Msgr. Ignatius Kung Pin-Mei. In his book, "Les enfants dans la ville" he has left a vivid description of this troubled period for the Church in China.

After arriving to Taiwan Fr Lefeuvre became a founding member of the Taipei Ricci Institute and worked closely with Fr Yves Raguin. He became a world authority on oracular inscriptions, an, later on, on bronze inscriptions as well. He published several catalogues of oracular inscriptions as well as several learned articles and research tools on this very specialized field of knowledge. Fr Lefeuvre was probably the most important collaborator and author of the "Grand Ricci" dictionary, in charge of its etymological section. He leaves a completed manuscript of a Dictionary of Bronze Inscriptions, which will be published after the due process of revision.

He was also a pastor, founder of several Christian communities, and exercised an in-depth influence on the Taiwanese church. In the "Aurora Center", which he directed for decades, he was the first to welcome Taizé-style prayer groups.

Fr Lefeuvre is mourned by members and friends of the Taipei Ricci Institute. His absence will be deeply felt by all of us.


Jean Lefeuvre, s.j., a founding member of the Institute and one of the main authors of the Ricci Dictionary, was a foremost expert in Chinese oracular and bronze inscriptions.

I. Books

  • 《法國所藏甲骨錄》,台北,利氏出版,1985年。
  • 《德、瑞、荷、比所藏的一些甲骨錄》(in Chinese and English) 台北,利氏出版,1997。

II. Essays, academic articles

  • 〈商代的「土」與「方」〉
  • 〈「不」、「弗」與甲骨文中的「賓」〉
  • 〈說「土」與「方」商人對土地與祖先的一些概念〉
  • Les Inscription des Shang sur Carapaces de Tortue et Sur Os, 《通報》(T’oung Pao), 1975
  • The two Editions of the QIAN-BIAN, Early China, 3 Fall, 1977
  • An Oracle Bone in the Hong Kong Museum of History and the Shang Standard of the Centre, Journal of the Hong Kong Archaeological Society, Vol. VII, 1976-1978
  • 〈從堂野種松舊藏談到孫壯藏本〉,《董作賓先生逝世十四周年紀念刊》,1978年3月。
  • Some Remarks on the Graph and the 兕 Character, International Conference on Shang Civilization. Hawaii-Honolulu Sept. 1982
  • 〈兕試釋〉,《中國文字》新八期,1983年10月。
  • 〈辨明西德庫恩東亞藝術博物館所藏甲骨〉,《中國文字》新十二期,1988年7月。
  • 〈對甲骨學的新分析方法〉,《董作賓先生九五誕辰紀念,1988年甲骨文發現九十周年國際活動紀念論文》,安陽,1988年8月。
  • 〈「 與酒」的考釋〉,《金祥恆教授逝世周年紀念論文集》,1990年7月。
  • The Spirits Guardians of the Land in China, 33th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies, Toronto, 1990
  • Rhinoceros and Wild Buffaloes North of the Yellow River at the End of The Shang Dynasty: Some Remarks on the Graph and the Character 兕, Monumenta Serica, 39(1990-91)
  • 〈再說「牛方鼎」〉,《中國古文字學學術研討會》,上海,1990年8月。
  • Ancestors and the Land in China, 34th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies, Hong Kong, 1993
  • 〈說「安」〉,《中國古文字學學術研討會論文提要》,廣州,1994年8月。
  • Grands et Petits Territores, 慶祝Leon Vandermeersch教授, Paris 1996 —〈說「 」「 」「 」〉,紀念胡厚宣教授,北京,1996年。
  • 〈商代和後人與土地的關係〉,北京大學哲學系,1996年8月。
  • 〈易經先天秩序和二進制數學〉,吉林大學,1996年11月。
  • 〈易經的宇宙秩序的卦論 上〉, 中華易學雜誌193期
  • 〈易經的宇宙秩序的卦論 下〉, 中華易學雜誌194期
  • “Grands et Petits Territoires”, Volume de Melanges commemoratifs pour Leon Vandermeersch, Paris, 1997(to be published) —說「戠」「 」「賓」,北京,1997
  • 〈最初的微笑〉,神學論集,台北,1997
  • 〈商代和後人與土地的關係〉